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Teachers of the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA), such as professors Marco Milani and Paulo Hayashi, contributed with the voluntary activities developed with the elderly, in the institutional program of UNICAMP entitled "University", which was created to provide people from the Community of Unicamp and Campinas, conditions for the preparation of the individual in pre-retirement stage, retirement and post-retirement, in order to keep them active both physically and mentally, meeting the needs of prevention, stimulation and training of physical and emotional development through interdisciplinary activities that seek to foster dialogue related to Longevity and Quality of Life.

Professor Cristiano Morini offered the extension course "Non-Formal Education: multiple views" at FCA/UNICAMP allowed, through the participating students, contact with concrete educational mediations generated by specific contexts, with a total duration of 90 hours. This course was practical in practice at the MST Elizabeth Teixeira camp, approximately 11 km from the FCA campus and delimited by the Rodovia Anhanguera, the Horto Florestal Tatu, an active railway line and the only landfill in the city.

We highlight the initiative of Professor Luiz Eduardo Gaio, in partnership with the Financial Market League—student association of the administration course of FCA/UNICAMP—and Finance and Accounting Laboratory (Labfic), for the dissemination of knowledge about the Financial Market through the Invest+ project. This initiative publishes weekly short videos presenting and explaining how the market works and the different interactions between economic agents, in addition to offering free services to the community on the subject of Personal Financial Education.

In 2018, the PPGA was one of the organizers of the II Meeting of Postgraduate Programs of FCA/UNICAMP, in which activities were held open to the public to present the projects and research works developed by students of the master's and doctorate courses of PPGA, in addition to bringing invited speakers to address emerging and critical issues about scientific research in Brazil and worldwide, as well as to discuss innovation and sustainability.

Among the texts aimed at journals and non-specialized magazines of regional circulation, topics related to the lines of research of the PPGA were discussed with the participation of teachers, as in the interview conducted on 05/15/18 by Jornal Correio Popular with Professor Marco Milani on corporate sustainability.

Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

FCA Biblioteca860


The FCA Library is part of the Unicamp Library System (SBU).