Inside and outside the laboratories

The research is organized in Centers and Laboratories that develop multidisciplinary projects in different areas of knowledge.
The research activities carried out at the FCA follow the same multidisciplinary organization adopted throughout the unit. FCA professors and researchers are organized, regardless of their area of training, into Centers, Laboratories and Research Groups. This stimulates interdisciplinarity, which is reflected in knowledge characteristics and generates innovations for the public and private sectors.
The Research and Extension Board (APEX, for its acronym in Portuguese) administratively advises professors and students, and responds to the demands of the external environment, acting as a facilitator in identifying opportunities and establishing partnerships in the Faculty’s different areas of competence.
Research Centers are FCA’s research organization units.
They encompass the incorporation of internal and external researchers, associate researchers, graduate and undergraduate students through criteria formally stated by the proponents, highlighting the character of a condensing hub of research and study efforts around a theme, issue, area or field of interest.
The Laboratory is the basic unit of research organization at the College of Applied Sciences.
Laboratories are physical spaces assigned to shelter researchers, students and university technicians, as well as equipment, research instrument, books and computers for developing scientific and technological research at FCA.
The Multiuser Laboratory brings together shareable equipment or instruments, made available to different users from UNICAMP itself or from external institutions, such as universities, companies and the community in general.
A FCA Multi-user laboratory, composed of one or several laboratories, has as its main purpose to provide high cost equipment, as well as qualified technicians for its handling, supporting any activity related to research, teaching and university extension, or to the public and private external community, in order to contribute to technological development and innovation.