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The Interdisciplinary Master in Applied Human and Social Science was created in 2013. Its fundamental objective is the construction of an academic professional prepared to act in the interdisciplinary field from a solid theoretical-epistemological and instrumental training of applied human and social sciences.

It forms, therefore, a professional capable of: (1) build interdisciplinary research stimulated by concrete problems of the contemporary world; (2) handle and use diverse theoretical and methodological resources to build original perspectives of analysis; (3) and contribute to the scientifically informed treatment of these problems. These skills and competences are not made by cultivating a "new model" or a "predefined form" of interdisciplinarity. Each dissertation mirrors more or less significantly the demands of the problem elected for its investigation, reinforcing the idea that interdisciplinarity, in the case of ICHSA, is not a research theme, but it is an attitude and a reflective way of conceiving and producing knowledge.


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ENG Programa
ENG Areas Linhas
admission selection
ENG Estrutura curricular
repository dissertations theses
ENG Insercao social
ENG Infraestrutura
ENG Infraestrutura
regulations norms
ENG Infraestrutura