The main objectives of extension activities are to integrate and build relationships between the academic community and society.
The FCA offers extension activities ranging from courses, projects and services, to contracts, agreements, and events. To follow, regulate, and establish guidelines for such activities, the FCA has an Extension Committee, which was formed by professors and student representatives. The Research and Extension Board (APEX, for its acronym in Portuguese) administratively advises professors and students and responds to the demands of the external community to act as a facilitator in identifying opportunities and establishing partnerships in the Faculty’s different areas of competence.
About the Extension Courses
The College of Applied Sciences offers, through EXTECAMP, different types of Extension courses certified by UNICAMP: Extension and Diffusion; Specialization.
The extension courses can reach the whole community or be focused specifically on groups of persons or public or private institutions. Those courses are aimed at updating and improving knowledge and working techniques or at preparing specialists in restricted sectors of academic and professional activities.