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The admission to postgraduate programs is carried out through selection processes, with criteria previously published in a public call for applicants who hold an undergraduate degree duly recognized in their home country. The student who has been accepted in the selection process must also complete the procedures required by the Academic Directorate (DAC).

The admission categories are:


Regular students are students with a Higher Education Diploma, accepted through selection process and enrolled in a Postgraduate Program.The admission of regular students in FCA postgraduate programs is done through selective processes, which follow the specific regulations of each of the programs.


Special students are students of subjects, graduates, who, not being regular students of a Postgraduate Program of UNICAMP, are authorized by the Postgraduate Commission (CPG) to enroll in one or more postgraduate subjects.

The admission of special students in FCA postgraduate programs is done according to the specific regulations of each of the programs and depends on the availability of vacancies in graduate subjects. If a student who has attended subjects as a special student will enter the program as a regular student, they may request the convalidation of such credits.

card regular student
card special student