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Professional with comprehensive view of the industrial organizations


Engineer focused on the planning, management, analysis, diagnosis and proposition of improvements for the production processes


Production Engineering

Awarded degree: Bachelor of Production Engineering
Duration: minimum of 10 semesters; maximum of 15 semesters

Production engineering is a branch of engineering that trains professionals for technology and resource management demands in different industry segments. It provides integrated handling of technological, financial and human resources to design and enhance the performance of complex production systems. At Unicamp’s College of Applied Sciences (FCA), the training of these professionals is based on a solid engineering base, aiming to enable them to understand the root cause of production problems and to identify the technologies needed to solve them. Production engineering differs from traditional engineering by the broad range used by it to deal with the formulation and solution of technical, scientific and managerial problems.

The creation of this course at FCA was based on Unicamp’s proposal to combine with its renowned education of excellence a new perspective of education, which aims to integrate subjects and knowledge, stimulating creative thinking and flexibility. One of our pillars is professional and personal ethics, which is essential for the formation of the individual and guides conscious actions in problem solving, considering the social and environmental implications of the solution to be adopted.

What is the practice?

The production engineer is dedicated to the planning, design and management of socio-technical systems, that is, organizational systems involving people, materials, technologies, financial and environmental resources. The professional has a solid training in the fundamental disciplines of the exact sciences and specific engineering disciplines, including logistics, operational research, and computing associated with the disciplines of management, sociology, and economics fields. This broad background puts the production engineers in a different position from other professions to understand organizational problems by a global perspective.

These professionals are important to the organization as they can lead teams and also see it as a whole. They are versatile professionals who can hold different occupations in their careers in the industrial and service sectors.

Based on international references, it is intended that the professional trained at FCA be innovative and entrepreneur. Therefore, students are encouraged to develop isolated or sequential projects throughout their education, which brings great opportunities for integration and practical application of acquired knowledge.


Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

FCA Biblioteca860


The FCA Library is part of the Unicamp Library System (SBU).