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The sports scientist: keeping an eye on the future

A course that brings together scientific knowledge, comprehensive training and passion for sports


Sports Sciences

Awarded degree: Bachelor of Sports Sciences
Duration: minimum of 8 semesters; maximum of 12 semesters

The Sports Sciences course graduates legally recognized and duly accredited physical education professionals, with the study focused on one of the major sociocultural manifestations of our society.

Sport is a phenomenon that involves passion, spectacle, personal development, education, leisure, competition and sports management, as well as scientific knowledge, which will be discussed, addressed and considered in depth during the course by a new and highly qualified teaching staff. The course was born together with Unicamp’s innovative proposal of the creation of the College of Applied Sciences, which pedagogical project contributes to the training of professionals of excellence facing the demands of the 21st century. Such a perspective seeks the comprehensive training of the student and the development of competences and skills, investing in interdisciplinarity and creativity, interpersonal coexistence and the experience and participation in the sports life of society.

The course focuses on the study of sports in the broad and plural sense, involving four guiding axes: basic knowledge of the sports; specific knowledge and applied to the sports; sports management and public policies; health, sports and leisure. It is oriented to the learning, development and improvement of the specific and interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for the scientific mastery of this universe. Through the organization of a pedagogical model capable of adapting to the dynamics of society’s demands, this undergraduate course intends to be a stage of professional training which, starting from the principle of union between theory and practice and the interaction among research, teaching and extension, triggers a process of continuing education in the graduating student, to train professionals qualified to have differentiated work in the labor market related to sports sciences, demonstrating skills and competences with solid theoretical foundation that permeates all their professional practice.

Professional Performance

The students graduated in Sports Science from Unicamp will be able to teach, train, advise, plan, manage, execute and evaluate sports programs and projects aimed at different groups. They may also work in the area of scientific research, with investigations and studies related to various themes concerning sports and systematized exercise, teaching and performance in different sports modalities, as well as their management and organization, considering the different approaches and possibilities of actual society. The qualification for acting in the labor market has as its main purpose the training of teachers/sports coaches with competence to perform activities in public institutions, municipalities, confederations, federations and sports clubs, associations, academies and companies that promote sports activities and management of the sport. Actually, graduated students will also be considered health professionals, able to be accredited by the Federal Council of Physical Education, capable of acting in an integrated and shared way in the promotion, prevention and recovery of health through sports, besides specific performance in the fields of sports pedagogy, sports training, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of exercise, biomechanics, Paralympic sports, scientific research, public policies, management and sports leisure.
Course Activities

In addition to developing formal education based on a modern and restructured syllabus since 2016, the course has scientific research and teaching laboratories in various areas, providing productive coexistence among graduate and undergraduate students, and agreements with high performance teams and confederations of different modalities. Sports activities that integrate teaching, research and extension are provided, offered to the internal and external community, with the participation of teachers, graduated professionals, students, interns and scholars. In addition, the course is completed by active and participatory student entities, the Academic Athletic Association and the Junior Enterprise, both Health and Sports, and a partnership with the Banco do Brasil Athletic Association, where currently the practical pedagogical activities of the course are developed.


Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

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