APEX offers the accountability service for FAPESP funding exclusively for the unit's professors, but does not act in the execution of the project. The service is also not available for IC, Masters, Doctorate and BEPE scholarships.
To use this service, is necessary that those interested deliver the following documents to the Board of Research and Extension:
For New Processes:
- Copy of the grant term and the order issued by FAPESP.
- Fapesp Agilis System login and password
For those processes currently in progress, in addition to the items above, the following are also required:
- Invoices already classified (for example: technical reserve, or complementary benefits)
- Copy of the Grant Agreement
As soon as the Term of Grant is signed, the accountability will also be scheduled. Documents and notes can be sent throughout the year. To avoid any unforeseen events and for fully respect deadlines, this documentation must be sent at least 30 days before the accountability.
Internal Instruction APEX 01/2023 establishes procedures for supporting Accountability for Research Projects in the Board ofResearch and Extension, APEX of FCA/Unicamp.