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Guidelines on R&D Agreements and Contracts

INOVA-Unicamp made available an R&D Project Communication system available with SISe password (Project Communication, available here.) to facilitate communication between Unicamp professor, researchers and Inova with the purpose of cooperation in negotiation, protection of interests of the University and agility in the processing of R&D Agreement processes.

 INOVA adapted to the changes proposed with the Legal Framework for S,T&I that gave rise to Internal Deliberation CONSU-A-012/2018. It establishes that Inova must participate in all R&D partnerships between Unicamp and business sector. For processing an R&D Project, Inova Manifestation is required among other documents. (article 5, paragraph 10).


INOVA help all professors in the bureaucratic steps and negotiations of partnerships so that they can work with the scientific and technological merit of the projects.

Passo a passo para firmar um convênio de P&D:

Imagem para inserir no site Parceria de PD na Unicamp

Frequently asked questions about R&D partnerships at Unicamp:

Why inform Inova about the R&D partnership?

Since the Internal Resolution CONSU-A-012/2018, all Research and Development (R&D) agreements between Unicamp and business sector must be evaluated directly by the Innovation Agency - Inova Unicamp

What are the benefits of the researcher when communicating a partnership to Inova?

The researcher will not deal with negotiating terms with the company and make adaptations to the contracts, since Inova has the expertise and takes over all the negotiations.

Will the procedure delay the progress of the processes?

No! Deliberation facilitates and speeds up the processes. From the beginning of the negotiations, the Agency will work to prevent the contract from returning to the researcher for not being adequate to Unicamp's institutional guidelines.

What happens if I do not notify Inova before opening the process?

Without the Inova Manifestation, your process may take longer to be processed. That is because Inova anticipates the process from the legal point of view as appropriate and as possible, ensuring more agility.

What is the Manifestation of Innova?

It is the guarantee that the R&D partnership looks after Unicamp's interests, such as the protection of intellectual property, security and the exploration of research.

How to communicate an R&D project to Inova?

Communication can be carried out via the Inova system by logging in with your SISe password: https://www.inova.unicamp.br/comunicacao-de-projeto/

Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

FCA Biblioteca860


The FCA Library is part of the Unicamp Library System (SBU).