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- There are different registrations depending on the purpose and existence of funding, but all external researchers who carry out research at the FCA must formalize their stay at the unit. 


According toIN DGRH 01/2021, all registration procedures must be done by Researchers via the Researcher Management System-SGP. A link is sent to the interested, so he/she can upload all needed documents. For guidelance, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Furthermore, FCA requires additional criteria for the accreditation of Researchers, as estabilished by a href="/portal/Deliberação%20Congregação%20158/2023%20https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ep0HFZdhdyw0hxvmhaOFDzXJJ0f3Ng6/view">De"iberação Congregação 158/2023. Below are the particular criteria of each program.

Collaborating Researcher

The general objective of the Collaborating Researcher Program at FCA, regulated by Deliberation CONSU-A-16/2020, is to attract qualified researchers capable of contributing to the consolidation of FCA research or to create research on new topics of interest. It is also expected that researchers be able to contribute, based on their research experience, to teaching and/or knowledge propagation initiatives at FCA.

To request accreditation, a reference letter from an FCA professor is needed, with indications of effective contact with the researcher to establish a suitable Work Plan. According to IN DGRH 01/2021, all procedures must be done via the Researcher Management System-SGP, through a link that will be send to the Researcher, where he/she must add all required data and upload relevant documents..

Guest Visiting Researcher – PVC

O Programa de Pesquisador Visitante Convidado, tem como objetivo a colaboração na realização de atividades de pesquisa na Unicamp por profissionais externos, brasileiros ou estrangeiros, por prazo determinado mediante financiamento.(art.1º da Deliberação CONSU 17/2020). É regido pelas Deliberação CONSU 17/2020 e pela IN DGRH 01/2021.

Do vínculo:
The Teaching and Research Unit, Center or Interdisciplinary Research Center will invite the professional to act as a Guest Visiting Researcher at the University, granting him conditions for developing a research project. (Article 2 of CONSU Deliberation 17/2020).

According to IN DGRH 01/2021, all procedures must be done via the Researcher Management System-SGP, through a link that will be send to the Researcher, where he/she must add all required data and upload relevant documents.

Postdoctoral (PPD)

The Postdoctoral Program is an internship at the University carried out after obtaining the doctorate degree in which the Researcher will improve the knowledge in a certain topic. It is possible to do a postdoctoral internship with funding offered by traditional research agencies (FAPESP and CNPq) and be linked to the Post-Doctoral Researcher Program (PPD) at UNICAMP, according to Resolution CONSU-A-003/2018 and IN DGRH 04/2018 and IN DGRH 01/2021, for consultation.

How to apply?
Enrollment in the Postdoctoral Researcher Program – PPD is carried out in a continuous flow. To become a member of UNICAMP PPD, we ask you to contact a professor in the area of interest. See: FCA faculty contacts.

Dúvidas frequentes

Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

FCA Biblioteca860


The FCA Library is part of the Unicamp Library System (SBU).