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Innovative proposal, committed to the public interest

Unicamp’s Public Administration course trains professionals with an innovative, creative, entrepreneurial profile and competent to negotiate and reconcile interests, to administer public institutions and to analyze fundamental aspects of the State’s action and role in society.


Public Administration

Awarded degree: Bachelor of Public Administration
Duration: minimum of 8 semesters; maximum of 12 semesters

It is an area of study to which skills from different areas of knowledge converge, including administration, economics, finance, quantitative methods, political science, law and foreign affairs, which allows a broad understanding of the dynamics of society, performance of the public sector and the processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies. Accordingly, the course aims to have significant contribution towards promotion of the common welfare and public interest.

Syllabus Structure

The course adopts interdisciplinarity as a fundamental methodological principle. In this pedagogical perspective, the process of training includes three distinct nuclei of disciplines: I) the Common General Nucleus (NGC), which seeks to offer humanistic training to create professionals capable of dealing with the multiple and quick changes in reality, aware of their social role and able to intervene in society to transform it according to the needs of our time; II) the Common Nucleus of the Administration Area, which contemplates professional training disciplines focusing on resolution of real problems that emerge in the daily life of organizations, offering concepts, approaches and tools that prepare students for professional performance in the area; and III) the Specific Training Nucleus, which favors a deeper discussion of topics related to public sector administration and the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies. Elective classes are also offered to give students the opportunity to intensify their study in areas of their interest. The classes related to the Course Conclusion Paper and Internship contribute to the integration between practice in organizations and academic thinking.

Professional Performance

The professional trained in Public Administration from Unicamp will be able to systemically work as an administrator in all areas of social and economic life that concern the public sphere. The public administrator has broad operating field, including the different structures of the public service, non-governmental organizations, private foundations and companies that develop social responsibility actions, private companies that interact with the government and international organizations. In all those spheres, the public administrator is qualified to elaborate target programs, manage budget, plan and implement social programs, elaborate and plan public bidding processes, promote contact between the government and other organizations of society, besides acting directly in the elaboration and execution of public policies, enhancing their benefits.

The Course Conclusion Paper (TCC) was conceived in a perspective of social and economic transformation, with the possibility of student engagement in community activities. The FCA also provides a set of activities that the student can engage in, such as acting in student organizations. The course operates in a perspective of empowerment of the student, making him/her active in the learning process, in order to approach the possibility of solving real problems of society.


Pós-Graduação FCA


Strictu sensu graduate programs (master's and doctorate).

Graduação FCA


Six courses in the areas of engineering, health and administration.

Pesquisa FCA


Activities and projects of our research centers and laboratories.



Extension courses, agreements, services and events for the community.

FCA Biblioteca860


The FCA Library is part of the Unicamp Library System (SBU).