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Firstly, you should verify at Unicamp's System of Agreements if there is some partnership between Unicamp and your company/institut actually in force. This agreement must be of broad cooperation (Teaching, Research and Extension) type.

If so:

An Addendum (T.A.) can be signed, specifying the project to be developed, with a Work Plan and Application Plan (only if financial resources are involved).

If not:

A General Agreement of broad cooperation (“umbrella”) and a TA to the Agreement for a specific project may be signed.

Also, a direct agreement may be processed, for a specific project, not requiring the General Agreement.

Which instances must pass the Agreement documents?

- Analysis of the documents by FUNCAMP (if financial resources are provided) and, if the partner is a private company, it must be analyzed by INOVA also;

- Opinion of the Research/Extension Board and Graduate Board, if applicable.

- Congregation;

- Legal Analysis of the Attorney General's Office (PG)

b) Opinion of the CACC;

c) Approval by CAD or CEPE, depending on the nature of the agreement or contract;

d) Signature of the Rector.

What is UNICAMP Contracts and Agreement legislation?

CONSU Resolution A-012-2018- PROCESSING;

Resolution GR-023/2008- payments;

Resolution GR-036/2008-on fees.