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Scientific Initiation is academic research carried out by undergraduate or high school students in different areas of knowledge, aiming to provide contact with university researchers and with scientific techniques and methods. It is possible to develop research within the scope of Scientific Initiation with a scholarship offered by traditional research funding agencies (FAPESP and CNPq) or on a voluntary basis (without a scholarship):


The advisor (University Professor) must submit a research project proposal, at any time of the year, directly to FAPESP, through the SAGe system. Further information is on FAPESP website.


CNPq Scientific Initiation Scholarships are destined to the University through the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships - PIBIC and the Institutional Program of Initiation Scholarships in Technological Development and Innovation - PIBITI. The advisor (University Professor) must submit a research project proposal, via internet, once a year, normally in April. Learn more about UNICAMP's Institutional Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarship Program

 Scientific Initiation without scholarship

UNICAMP's Voluntary Scientific Initiation Program, coordinated by the Dean of Research (PRP), aims to recognize and certify SI projects that do not have funding. Registration is carried out online by the student and validated by the advisor. a href="https://www.prp.unicamp.br/pt-br/programa-de-iniciacao-cientifica-voluntaria-da-unicamp-picv%20Mais%20informações%20e%20inscrição%20no%20site%20da%20PRP-Unicamp">Mo"e information and registration on the PRP-Unicamp website.


The Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships for Secondary Education (PIBIC-EM) is carried out by Unicamp in partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), aiming to contribute to the formation of full, aware and participatory citizen; awake scientific vocation and encouraging potential talents through their participation in scientific and/or technological education activities, guided by a qualified researcher from higher education institutions or research institutes/centers or technological institutes. More information about the Program can be obtained on the PRP-Unicamp website.

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