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This service is linked to the Sports Sciences course and aims to raise awareness and involve the community in the practice of physical activity or sport on a regular, planned and quality basis.

The area offers a variety of activities involving teachers, students and professionals in the field.


Ballroom dancing group

The ballroom dancing project aims to teach the concepts of dancing for two to people of all ages, creeds and genders. To explore movements, encouraging greater development of the body and motor coordination. To bring art and culture to the university environment as a way of interacting with students, teachers, staff and the city of Limeira itself. Create regular physical activity that can provide space for sports course activities. 

Duration: 11/04/2022 to 22/12/2022

Responsible: Luciano Allegretti Mercadante.

Target audience: The classes are open for students, teachers, internal FCA and FT staffs and the entire community of the city of Limeira. Each class will have a maximum of 30 students. 

Half-yearly fee: Internal community R$60.00 and external community R$110.00.

Students have 2 classes per week. Each class will last 1 hour, taught from Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm by Professor Paulo Vitor Vitoriano Fabri; in the green niche on the second floor - FCA's even block.