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The members of PPG-CNEM have been carrying out several projects of impact on society, most of them permanent activities, carried out every six months or annually, all with the participation of the teachers and students. Among the activities stand out: 1) extension and dissemination courses; 2) community extension actions; 3) agreements with associations and clubs; 4) events aimed at the internal and external community; 5) social projects linked to scholarships for student stay; 6) social insertion activities linked to research projects.

1. Extension and dissemination courses

1.A) Extension Course: "FCA-0006 - Obesity and Diabetes, Pathophysiology and Cell Signaling".


- Teachers Involved: Dennys Cintra, Eduardo Ropelle, Leandro Pereira de Moura and José Rodrigo Pauli.

- Description: The course, with a 40-hour workload, aims to disseminate new knowledge and physiological and molecular perspectives about the benefits of nutrition and physical activity in individuals affected with obesity and diabetes.

1.B) Extension Course: "FCA-0031 - Techniques of Cultivation and Maintenance of Animal Cells"


- Responsible teacher: Adriana Souza Torsoni

- Collaborating teachers: Marciane Milanski, Marcio A. Torsoni

- Description:  The course, with a workload of 30 hours, aims to transmit to students and professionals in the biological and health areas basic understandings about cell culture and its application.

1.C) Dissemination Course: "FCA-0087 - CRISPR/Cas9 Technology Applications in in vitro and in vivo models"


- Teachers Involved: Leandro Pereira de Moura and Fernando Moreira Simabuco.

- Description: The objective of the course is to share the basic knowledge about CRISPR-Cas9 technology - 40h workload. The course was offered to 10 students and had the support of researchers outside the FCA, other universities (one of Rio de Janeiro), public agencies (an employee of the Municipality of Limeira) companies (two participants), interested in applying the technique in their research and products.

1.D) Dissemination Course "Balanced Food in Culinary Practice".

- Funding: Notice of the Board of Directors of the unit

- Responsible teacher: PhD Caroline Capitani

- Description: The course lasting 30 hours was offered to FCA administrative technical staff.

1.E) Scientific Dissemination Course: "FCA-0103 - Management of Food and Nutrition Units: Tools and Innovations"

- Responsible teacher: Prof. Diogo Thimoteo Da Cunha

- Collaborating Teacher: PhD Caroline Capitani (PPGCNEM/UNICAMP), Prof. Elke Stedefeldt (Professor Unifesp) and Claudio Tiberio Gil (head cook)

- Description: The course, lasting 40 hours, was offered with the objective of updating professionals and training students for the area of management in collective feeding

1.F) Scientific Dissemination Course: "FCA-0107- Research in Nutrition, Sport and Metabolism"

- Responsible teacher: PhD Adriana Souza Torsoni

- Description: The dissemination course, lasting 44 hours, had classes and lectures on topics related to both scientific research in general, as well as the lines of research developed in the CNEM, as well as visits and practical activities in research laboratories. The objectives were i) To share knowledge in nutritional sciences and sports and metabolism; ii) Disseminate the lines of research developed by CNEM teachers; iii) Decentralize the training of researchers in Brazil; iv) Encourage the dissemination of Brazilian scientific research; v) Create and maintain scientific communication channels; vi) Expand network of research partnerships for Nutrition professionals and undergraduate students of different courses.

1.G) Extension Course "FCA 0094 - Nutrition Applied to Physical Activity"

- Teachers Involved: Prof. Marcio Alberto Torsoni, Prof. Marciane Milanski Ferreira, Prof. Adriana Souza Torsoni, Prof. Leticia Martins Ignácio de Souza, Prof. Claudio Gobatto, Prof. Fabiana Benatti

- Description: The course, with a workload of 60 hours, aims to present metabolic and nutritional aspects related to physical activity. Apply up-to-date scientific concepts of sports nutrition. Understand basic aspects of nutritional assessment. Evaluate nutritional aspects associated with special conditions and associated with chronic diseases. 

1.H) Scientific Dissemination Course: "FCA-0109 - Basic Foundations of Nutrition Applied to Aging"

- Responsible teacher: Prof. Ligiana Pires Corona

- Description: The course, lasting 18 hours, is offered annually with the objective of Empowering students to provide nutritional care for the old, from evaluation to dietary prescription


2. Community Extension Actions

2.A) Workshops on education and dissemination of knowledge for adolescents from public schools in Limeira in the area of obesity and comorbidities

- Funding: Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center (CEPID) FAPESP proc. no. 2013/07607-8

- Teachers Involved: Prof. Marcio Alberto Torsoni, Prof. Marciane Milanski Ferreira, Prof. Adriana de Souza Torsoni, Prof. Dennys Cintra, Prof. Eduardo Rochete Ropelle, Prof. José Rodrigo Pauli, Prof. Patricia de Oliveira Prada, Prof. Leandro Moura, Prof. Andrea Maculano Esteves, Prof. Igor Luchini Baptista, Prof. Ana Carolina Junqueira Vasques, Prof. Maria Claudia de Oliveira, Prof. Hosana Gomes Rodrigues, Prof. Leticia Martins Ignácio de Souza

- Description: Planning and organization of knowledge dissemination workshops for adolescents from public schools in Limeira in the area of obesity and comorbidities, as part of the objectives of the CEPID project.

2.B) Quality of Life Project for the Server of the Municipality of Limeira: A look at chronic non-communicable diseases.

- Funding (scholarships): City Hall of Limeira 

- Responsible teacher: Leticia Martins Ignácio de Souza

- Teachers Involved: Prof. Marcio Alberto Torsoni, Prof. Marciane Milanski Ferreira, Prof. Adriana de Souza Torsoni, Prof. Andrea Maculano Esteves, Prof. Maria Claudia de Oliveira, Prof. Leticia Martins Ignácio de Souza, Prof. Luciano Allegretti Mercadante, Prof. Ligiana Pires Corona, Prof.Marta Rojas Fuentes, Prof.Eliana Toledo Ichibashi, Prof. Sandra Bezerra Gemma and server Paula Secomandi Donadelli

- Activities: collection of anthropometric data and biological samples for biochemical examinations; Educational lectures for the servers of the Municipal palace https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJU1UmlSw2Sw6WrDZaFAZw/playlists?app=desktop); recording videos to know the main research themes of the project (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ZM-pztucY&list=PL253Krc_yNgjptIu0JmyVoCw8zErLxnfB&index=1)


2.C) Physical and sports activity: Ballroom dance

- Coordinator: Luciano Allegretti Mercadante

- Description: Dance is part of human. Dancing for two is an extremely efficient and enjoyable resource to encourage people's social interaction. Besides being a physical activity, scarce thing in a sedentary world like the modern world. One of the university's roles is proportional to a social and cultural experience for its members and the community it serves.

- Target Audience: FCA and external community.

2.D) Workshop eating and playing.

- The objective of this project is, from workshops, games and jokes based on pedagogical and voluntary, to raise children's awareness about the importance of eating, promoting healthy habits and well-being.

- Target Audience: Around 25 students from 08 to 10 years of the full-time class of EMEIF Padre Maurício Sebastião Ferreira, Municipal School of Early Childhood Education and Elementary School of Limeira.

- Involved: Academic Center Maria Cristina Faber Boog (CAMAB) Nutrition, PhD Professor Marciane Milanski (responsible).

2.E) Workshops for dissemination of knowledge in Nutrition, as part of the undergraduate subjects in the Nutrition Course - NT405 Nutrition and Dietetics in Life Cycles and NT408 Pedagogical Methodologies in Health.

- Target Audience: 38 elementary school students (8-10 years) from Jandyra de Limeira school.

Workshop 1 - Food Pyramid and My plate

Workshop 2 - Eating and commensality

Workshop 3 - Advertising x Nutrition

 Workshop 4 - Label reading

Workshop 5 - Food Guide for the Brazilian population

Workshop 6 and 7 - Healthy snack and physical activity: Prof. Caroline Capitani and Prof. Marciane Milanski


3. Agreements

3.A) Research Agreement with ARIL, AINDA and Hípica institutions (responsible: PhD Professor Andrea Maculano Esteves).

3.B) Coordination of athletics arbitration team in the SESI Limeira Workers' Games: partnership of the subject of Methodology of Individual Sports Training CP202, with SESI Limeira.

3.C) Coordination of the Athletics Festival held by the subject of Methodology of Training of Individual Sports CP202, with the school of SESI Limeira.

3.D) Research Agreement with the National Basketball League (responsible person: Prof. Professor Luciano Mercadante)

3.E) Agreement of Broad Cooperation with the Women's Basketball Team, allocated in the city of Campinas (responsible person: PhD Professors Fúlvia Gobatto and Claudio Gobatto)


4. Events

4.A) “Volta da FCA UNICAMP”

Event open to the society of Limeira, with intense participation of students and teachers of PPGCNEM, both in the organization, and in the feasibility of the race, with a challenge of 2 hours.

4.B) Event commemorating "International Women's and Girls' Day in Science".

Open event with lectures, workshops, conversation wheels and coffee with science aimed at girls from public and private schools in Limeira and region (9th grade of elementary and high school). https://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/eventos/2019/02/05/meninas-e-mulheres-na-ciencia

4.C) Pint of Science

Pint of Science is a festival of scientific dissemination that takes place over three consecutive days every May. Usually held in bars in participating cities, the event has attracted audiences by the current themes of the research, presented with stripping and without formalities by scientists, in order to stimulate conversation and debate with listeners. https://www.fca.unicamp.br/portal/pt-br/comunic-2/comunicacao-noticias/comunicacao-not-sociedade/1024-limeira-recebe-2-edicao-do-festival-do-pint-of-science.html

4.D) Event in celebration of sleep week.

The week is organized by the Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS) with the objective of informing the population about the importance of a good quality of sleep. Several activities are carried out aimed at the practice of physical exercise and awareness related to the importance of sleep: Running/Walking; Functional training; Yoga, and lecture given by PhD Professor Andrea Esteves "Sleeping well is getting old with health.”


5. Social Projects with Social Support Grants for Student Stay at UNICAMP - Linking to projects involving social work.

In this type of scholarship the student carries out activities in projects within various areas of the University, always with the guidance of professionals in the areas of competence, professors of Unicamp units, coordinators and other professionals. Projects range from routine activities in research laboratories to support administrative activities, project management and postgraduate management.

  • Classification Criteria: Socioeconomic Index
  • Term: one year of duration, from March to February of the following year (contemplation may occur in the other months of the year, whenever there are offers, in this case the term will begin on the date of contemplation).
  • Workload: 40 hours of activities per month (10 hours per week)


6. Social insertion activities linked to research projects:

6.A) The Science of Yoga Project. The project provides a unique experience for those involved. The project that serves students, staff and teachers aims to promote improvements in motor coordination, flexibility, balance and body endurance. Such body adaptations may contribute to the improvement of quality of life. In addition, exercises have the potential to act as a non-pharmacological strategy in reducing stress, anxiety, depression, etc. The classes are held in groups and the principles and techniques of Yoga are applied. The mat space of the School of Applied Sciences of Unicamp is used as accessories and the mattresses in some exercises are used for greater comfort of the performer. In the project are applied concepts learned in actions and in the works published by the research group coordinated by the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Exercise.

6.B) Acting in high performance sport through research and extension: Bringing the needs of high-performance sports closer to the knowledge produced at the University has been the highlight of research and extension projects of LAFAE, as well as the main social impact action of this laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Claudio and Fulvia Gobatto. Through the development of equipment and the use of wearable technologies, the researchers standardized specific tests to evaluate physiological (blood, respiratory) and mechanical (speed, strength and power) aspects of athletes, assisting the prescription of training for these individuals who are already very trained. In this sense, interventions with canoe slalom, basketball, cycling, football, futsal and karate, among others, were performed with coaches, physical trainers and other members of sports teams. Through applied science, they contributed to increase the number of Brazilian medals in important competitions, especially world championships, Pan American Games and Olympics. In 2018, teachers were invited to collaborate with a group from Slovakia (world power in canoe slalom), with the first joint publication being implemented (BIELIK et al., 2019). Also, through this scientific action with sport, teachers are currently part of an international Thematic Project supported by FAPESP (Proc. 16/50250-1) and the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as principal researchers. Two Doctorate students and a post-doc researcher were awarded a scholarship to investigate the "secrets" of performance in football, associating the knowledge of sports and computer sciences.

6.C) Perceptions of risk about foodborne diseases of food handlers in restaurants: exploration by qualitative approach: The Project, under the guidance of Prof. Diogo Cunha, selected ten commercial restaurants, for convenience, among the following modalities: self-service, lacarte and Brazilian cuisine, from the city of Limeira, São Paulo to assess risk perception. During the research, the CVS-5 ordinance checklist (São Paulo, 2013) was applied. The list has fifty-five evaluation items, arranged in seven chapters related to the themes: hygiene and health of employees, technical responsibility training of personnel; sanitary quality of food production; hygiene of facilities and the environment; operational support; sanitary quality of buildings and facilities; documentation and registration of facilities. This list measures how well the hygienic and sanitary practices of the establishment complies with sanitary legislation.

6.D) MICROBIOLOGICAL EVALUATION AND SENSORY ANALYSIS OF LEAFY VEGETABLES PRODUCED BY ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CULTIVATION SYSTEMS. Brazil is a country of agricultural tradition and as most of the food produced adopts the use of pesticides, there is a large exposure of rural workers and a large amount of pollutants that are deposited in the environment. The study of products obtained by organic cultivation is of great relevance to increase the visibility of this production system. The researcher Adriane Antunes de Moraes has been studying the theme and guiding postgraduate students to work on the theme of great relevance and social insertion.

6.E) MATRIX EFFECT ON DELIVERY AND FUNCTIONALITY OF PRE AND PROBIOTICS: STUDY IN DYNAMIC COLONIC MODEL AND WITH VOLUNTEERS OF THE DA PREPARATORY SCHOOL OF MILITARY CADETS OF CAMPINAS. Military personnel routinely participate in acute survival training, and such training can result in impairment of the immune system. The project, developed by the military and student of PPGCNEM Maria Carolina Pelatieri Rodrigues do Vale, under the guidance of Prof. Adriane Antunes de Moraes, aims to evaluate a strategy to improve the health of military by supplementing with pre and probiotics.

6.F) SENSORY ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONAL PREPARATIONS DEVELOPED FOR STUDENTS BETWEEN 09 AND 15 YEARS, FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAMPINAS/SP. This project is the research theme of the student Rosana Gomes Arruda Leite Bueno who is a nutritionist of the city of Campinas and a master's student of the CNEM program. The project aimed to adapt recipes conventionally served in the municipal schools of Campinas using functional ingredients and reducing added sugar. Of the 4 adapted recipes 2 received good acceptance by the students. In addition to the social benefits and being the subject of nutritionist Rosana's dissertation, the work was also part of the TCC of undergraduate student Giovanna Alexandre Fabiano and competed for the "Knowledge Challenge" award by the city of Limeira/SP.

6.G) DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMER ON FEEDING OF THE ELDERLY. Project for the development of educational material for the old people assisted by the public health network of the municipality of Piracicaba, developed in partnership with the Coordination in Food and Nutrition Programs (CPAN) of Piracicaba, an agency responsible for the nutrition sector of the municipality. The project is coordinated by PhD Professor Ligiana Pires Corona and nutritionist Marcia Juliana Cardoso, CPAN coordinator. The project is linked to the research project "Evaluation of the prevalence and deficiency of Micronutrients in Elderly residents in cities in the region of Campinas - SP"